LW1047 嬰兒紗布空調被 - 清晨小鳥
Brand: Lenny World
LW1047 Baby Muslin Quilt - Birdie Morning
Get a fresh summer to your baby !Our new muslin baby bedding gives your baby a fresh, comfortable and relaxing summer. When you touch and feel the soft and breathable muslin fabric, it is not difficult to make your choice instantly for your baby especially in summer. The reversible patterns let you mix and match your own style. One bedding set has different combinations. Cute birdie and full of stars bring your baby to a fairy tale and have a good dream! You can buy the whole set or buy the bumper, fitted sheet, pillow or quilt separately.
品牌: Lenny World
LW1047 嬰兒紗布空調被 - 清晨小鳥
給寶寶一個清爽的夏日!全新紗布床品系列帶給寶寶清爽舒適的夏日。當您觸摸去感受一下床品的柔軟而透氣的紗布面料, 不難即時替寶寶作出選擇, 尤其在炎炎的夏日裡。 雙面設計, 可隨個人喜好配搭出不同效果組合, 盡顯個人風格。可愛的小鳥兒及繁星, 把童話世界帶進寶寶的夢中! 除套裝外, 亦可獨立選購不同部份。
Product Information 產品資料
Includes (2pcs):
Quilt & Quilt Cover (35" x 50")
Fabric: 100% Cotton
Filling: 100% Polyester
空調被及空調被套 (35" x 50")
布料: 100%棉
填充物: 100%聚脂纖維
Service Area 服務地區
We only sell and ship products to Hong Kong and Macau. We will not make deliveries outside of these territories.
Shopping Guide 購物須知
Please read the shopping guide before checking out.