LW1057 嬰兒全棉浴巾
Brand: Lenny World
LW1057 Baby Cotton Bath Towel
100% cotton baby bath towel, made of high absorbent terry fabric. Soft, comfort, square shape design can wrap your baby after bath completely among growing period. No brightening or bleaching agent.
品牌: Lenny World
LW1057 嬰兒全棉浴巾全棉浴巾, 毛巾布料, 吸水力強。可柔軟舒適地包裹浴後寶寶, 特大方形設計, 有別於一般長形浴巾難以全面包裹較大幼兒的腿部位置, 可全面覆蓋, 達至較長的使用年期, 不含螢光劑及漂白劑。
Product Information 產品資料
Fabric: 100% Cotton
Size: 110cm x 110cm布料: 100%棉
尺寸: 110cm x 110cmService Area 服務地區
We only sell and ship products to Hong Kong and Macau. We will not make deliveries outside of these territories.
Shopping Guide 購物須知
Please read the shopping guide before checking out.
HK$159.00 一般價格