1. Service Coverage: We only sell and deliver products to Hong Kong and Macau. Macau customers can only use self-pick up service at SF Express center, no home delivery can be made.
2. Please check carefully the merchandises that you want to buy before order confirmation. Some working days need to be taken if cancellation or amendments need to be made.
3. Delivery Area: We only deliver to the locations that trucks can reach.
4. Delivery Charge:
i. Free Delivery: Purchase net amount over HK$300 can enjoy free delivery by SF express or self pick up at SF service points.
ii. Purchase less than HK$300, you can add HK$60 for the delivery service by SF express or self pick up at SF service points.
iii. Extra fee may charge for area that SF express cannot reach, our staff will contact you for delivery arrangement.
5. Delivery Schedule:
Send out within 7 working days after order & payment
6. Payment methods:
i. Paypal, Visa or Master.
ii. Bank in , fax (34893291) or email (
the receipt to us for delivery arrangement.
(Hang Seng Bank 789-278173-883, FPI: 161085329)
iii. Please contact us in office hour or whatsapp 9349 0033 if other payment methods want to be used.
7. Change: Please contact us for changing if you find any product damages after receiving the goods.
8. Refund: If the product cannot be changed due to shortage of the item or any reasons mutually compromised, refund is accepted. Refund will be completed after returning the goods. All returning goods must be remained unchanged as good as in the delivery status, all accessories must be returned.
9. We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to time without prior notice.
10. This entire website, copy, images, logos, text and content is
the copyright of our company, or of other copyright owners. Use of materials on this website without our prior
written permission is strictly prohibited.
11. Due to different computer devices are using, the colours of
the product you see through your monitor may have
slightly different to the real product, we do not accept mild
colour different as a reason of product returning or
14. We reserve the right of final decision for any dispute.
1. 服務範圍: 服務範圍只限於香港特別行政區境內。澳門特別行政 區顧客只可選擇於澳門順豐服務站取貨,不設送貨上門服務。
2. 請仔細查看所選購之產品,訂單確認後如須更改或取消,需要 數個工作天。
3. 送貨範圍: 只限送貨車輛能到達的香港境內地區。
4. 送貨服務及收費:
i. 免費送貨: 購物金額折扣後滿HK$300,即享有順豐免費
ii. 送貨服務費:購物金額HK$300以下,可付HK$60享用順
iii. 如順豐未能到達的地點, 額外服務費或會收取, 我們職員將
5. 送貨時間:訂單及付款確認後7個工作天內寄出。
6. 付款方式:可使用以下方式付款
i. Payapl、Visa 或 Master 於購物時即時付款,方便快捷。
ii. 於銀行戶口轉賬,轉賬後把入數紙傳真(34893261)或
電郵 到本公司,待款項確認後安排
送貨。 (恆生銀行戶口789-278173-883,
轉數快 FPI: 161085329)
iii. 如希望以其他方式付款, 可於辦公時間內聯絡我們或 whatspp 9349 0033 查詢 。
7. 換貨:如顧客收貨後發現貨品損壞,可聯絡本公司安排換貨。
8. 退貨及退款:因貨品損壞或因缺貨而不能更換,如雙方達成退 貨及退款安排,所退回之貨品須為送達時的狀態及所有配件齊 全,退款將於收到退貨後退回。
9. 本公司保留更改購物流程及條款的權利而不作任何事先通知。
10. 本網站內的圖件、商標、文檔及內容版權屬本公司及其他版權 持有人所有,凡未經本公司同意而獲取或使用,本公司保留追 究的權利。
11. 因不同用戶使用的電腦器材有所不同,在營幕上看到的產品顏 色或與實際有少許不同,因此顏色略與實物不同不接受為退貨 或退款的原因。
12. 如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。