LW1075 嬰兒華夫格抱枕
Brand: Lenny World
LW1075 Baby Waffle BolsterHigh quality waffle fabric bolster, compact structure make it beautiful and durable. White colour with waffle pattern, simple, elegant, easy to match up with different cot style and colour. Soft fabric and suitable size let the baby hug naturally and pacify to sleep. Removable cover for easy cleaning.
No brightening and bleaching agent.
品牌: Lenny World
LW1075 嬰兒華夫格抱枕
高級全棉華夫格布料, 結構緊密, 美觀耐用。 純白顏色配合華夫格布紋, 簡單純潔而不失優雅, 易於配襯不同款式及顏色的嬰兒床, 有一種說不出的渡假感覺! 柔軟布料配合適當尺寸, 讓寶寶自然舒適一擁入睡! 可拆洗布套方便清洗。不含螢光劑及漂白劑。
Product Information 產品資料
Baby Bolster with waffle fabric removable cover (19" x 4.7")Fabric: 100% Cotton
Filling: 100% Polyester
嬰兒抱枕及華夫格抱枕套 (19" x 4.7")布料: 100%棉
填充物: 100%
Service Area 服務地區
We only sell and ship products to Hong Kong and Macau. We will not make deliveries outside of these territories.
Shopping Guide 購物須知
Please read the shopping guide before checking out.